Our goal is to have all our operations in Australia and New Zealand running on 100% renewable electricity by 2025. As one of the largest users of electricity across Australia and New Zealand, we have a unique opportunity to lead, and make a real impact, with this shift. We’re working to invest tens of millions of dollars into renewable electricity partnerships and to prioritise new green electricity projects to drive growth and create new jobs in the sector. 

Electricity use represents the majority of our operational emissions footprint, so the changes we make here will materially reduce our overall carbon footprint.

Our primary approach to investing in renewables prioritises investment in new renewable electricity generation to grow the availability of green electricity for businesses and the community, and provide new jobs in a sector that requires significant growth the meet growing demand for clean energy.

Our total renewable electricity in F24 was at 23.5%. We have established a new energy partnership with CleanCo in Queensland.  This together with contracts in other states, has enabled us to secure a pathway to 100% renewable electricity by 2025 in line with RE100.  We had also installed 278 solar systems, estimated to power over 12,600 homes annually. 

We continue to focus on reducing electricity usage across our stores, with energy efficiency initiatives continuing to deliver year-on-year reductions on store energy use. These initiatives include refrigeration upgrades, more efficient equipment, LED lighting, and store retrofits such as fridge doors.

As part of our green electricity ambition, the Group aligned our approach to global best practice by joining RE100 led by The Climate Group, in partnership with CDP. RE100 is a global initiative bringing together the world’s most influential businesses to drive the transition to 100% renewable electricity. Membership gives us access to global best practice and third party‑verified consistent reporting frameworks.

For our progress against this goal, see our 2024 Sustainability Report. For more information on our metrics, see our 2024 Sustainability Data Pack.